Welcome to Corinna Ciera's creative blog. Here you will see posts concerning crafts and general topics of interest. At www.corinnaciera.etsy.com, you will find retro and modern fashion accessories, fabric creations for the home, and other unique items...all handmade by Corinna.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Who's Dancing?

In one of my earlier posts, I mentioned how much I like to dance. I never took formal dance classes, something I regret, but I like music and dance. I like to watch it and I do attempt the actual steps. I like to dance for the joy of it.

My husband and I were invited to a 70's party/dance a couple of months ago. Despite still recuperating from a total knee replacement three months prior, I danced! Now I must admit, my legs and feet didn't move as smoothly as they used to, but I had fun, fun, fun!

I am not in the minority with my love of dance. Many people love to watch dance competition shows such as So You Think You Can Dance (my favorite), Dancing With the Stars, and others. When you actually get off the couch and dance yourself, you can get fit and keep fit both physically and mentally.

Stress Reduction:

In the Journal of Applied Gerontology, researchers found that dancing with a partner can help bring about stress relief.

Diminished Depression:

Dancing lifts your spirits. Another study showed that patients who participated in an upbeat group dance showed the fewest depression symptoms and the most vitality. So if you're feeling down, dance. Either grab a friend or stand up in your room solo and move.

Weight Reduction:

A study in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology found that an exercise program of aerobic dance training is just as helpful for losing weight as cycling and jogging.

Better Balance:

If you are nervous about falling as you get older, dance lessons might help ease your worries according to the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. Dancing can improve balance in aging adults. Since dancing requires a lot of fast movement and good posture, doing it frequently can help you stabilize and gain better control of your body.

Some of the health benefits of dancing have been highlighted above. So now I might ask, "Who's dancing"?

See my retro and modern fashion accessories and creations for the home at

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