Welcome to Corinna Ciera's creative blog. Here you will see posts concerning crafts and general topics of interest. At www.corinnaciera.etsy.com, you will find retro and modern fashion accessories, fabric creations for the home, and other unique items...all handmade by Corinna.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Want to Ride in a Decorated Rickshaw?

Cycle rickshaws are a popular means of transportation in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Why am I writing about them? Not only are they used for transportation, they are now brilliant works of art. They seem to be covered entirely with painted decorations.

When the three-wheeled rickshaws first appeared in the in 1930's and 1940's, they had to compete with tomtoms, horse-drawn wagons that carted passengers and goods. Possible to lure customers to this new transportation, rickshaw owners began decorating their vehicles and making them distinctive. They are now art on wheels. 

In the 1950's, there were only a few rickshaw painters in existence. Today, there are upwards of 300 artisans who produce them. Rickshaws continue to flourish in Dhaka because of the flat terrain and countless alleys and lanes that other forms of transportation cannot navigate. Also, many people consider this "green" mode of travel to be both beneficial and enjoyable.

Today, in most Asian cities, rickshaws have nearly become obsolete. While many people may view them as out-of-date, there is an effort to preserve the rickshaw through improved designs. The pictures of these beautiful cycle rickshaws might entice you to experience the ride first-hand by traveling to Dhaka!

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